FROM THE EAST + NORTH: Take Rte. 90 WEST from Boston to Rte. 495 NORTH to Rte. 290 West exit 65 B (formerly exit 23). Proceed on to Rte. 290 West to Exit 18 (formerly exit 14) Barre/Uxbridge Route 122, halfway down the ramp the road forks, BEAR RIGHT on to Water Street. At the first traffic light, take a RIGHT on to Grafton Street. Follow to the third set of traffic lights (at Grafton Street and Cutler Street). Take a RIGHT on to Cutler Street. The funeral home and parking lot is on your RIGHT.
FROM Rt. 9: Follow WEST or EAST to Belmont Street, Worcester and Rte. 290, Enter ramp to take Rte. 290 West to exit 18 and follow directions above.
FROM THE WEST + SOUTH: Rte. 84, from Hartford, Rte. 90 Mass Pike, from Springfield, Albany, or Rt. 395 N from New London, Norwich, Putnam, Webster, Oxford, or Rte.146 N from Rhode Island, Uxbridge. Take Rte. 84 to Rte. 90 Mass Pike to exit 90 (formerly exit 10) Auburn, Follow exit ramp to Rte. 290 East to Worcester. Rte. 395 N becomes Rte. 290 East in Auburn. Rte. 146 N ends at / merges with Rte. 290 East in Worcester.
Proceed on Rte. 290 East to Exit 18 (formerly exit 14) Barre/Uxbridge Rte. 122 exit. At the end of ramp take a RIGHT. You are now on Grafton Street. Go to the second traffic light at Grafton Street and Cutler Street and take a RIGHT on to Cutler Street. The funeral home and parking lot is on your RIGHT.
Please Call 508-753-4211 If You Need Further Assistance.
Our Code of Good Funeral Practice
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